Actor-producer Suriya, who turned 47 today, has sort of developed the Midas touch in the past two years. It seems everything that he touches is turning into gold. And it all began with Suriya braving the opposition from the industry and doing something completely unexpected by releasing his big-budget film, which was aptly titled, Soorarai Pottru (celebrate the brave), on an OTT platform.
Soorarai Pottru was made for the big screen experience and the makers were looking forward to releasing the movie in cinemas in November of 2020. And the pandemic happened, bringing the whole world to a standstill. Suriya, who was also the producer of the movie, took the brave decision of making the film directly available for streaming, considering the pandemic across the world was out of control and nobody had a clue when the semblance of normality would return to our lives.
He faced resistance from stakeholders in the box office business. The association of Tamil Nadu theatre owners even threatened him with a ban. The association claimed that they won’t allow the screening of Suriya-starrers and those films he produced under his home banner 2D Entertainment, in future, should he go ahead with the direct OTT release of Soorarai Pottru. But, Suriya didn’t budge.