Sethurathnam Ravi, former BSE Chairman, chaired the panel that selected the winners. Finance departments in organizations are headed by individuals whom we commonly call the Chief Financial Officers or the CFO. CFOs are pivotal to the economy of any organisation as they hold, they key to financial success of the corporation. Recognising this, BW Businessworld organised its annual BW CFO 40 under 40 awards.

Experts including Sethurathnam Ravi, former BSE Chairman identifies that the finance sector impacts everyone, from the global economy to the individual household. The common man to large conglomerates has to face the brunt of inflation and fluctuating rupee prices. As per IMF, India’s financial sector has faced many challenges in recent decades, with a large, negative, and persistent credit to GDP gap since 2012. This makes the finance sector making the prime focus of the national government as well as the common man.
Therefore, Sethurathnam Ravi acknowledges that, CFOs are pivotal to the economy of any organization as they hold the keys to financial success of the corporation. Through this he underlined the significance of the award for the chief financial officers. The winners were selected after a gruelling process where the candidates were required to pitch for themselves in front of a jury which included seasoned professionals.
The panel was chaired by Sethurathnam Ravi, Managing Partner, Ravi Rajan & Company Chairman, TFCI; Former Chairman, BSE. The panel included Dr. Annurag Batra, Chairman & Editor-in-Chief, BW Business World & Founder, Exchange4Media; Subodh Gupta, Director Finance, BHEL; Nitin Parekh, CFO, Zydus Lifesciences Limited; Sonam Donkar, CFO, Rohit Group of Companies (Canada); Vinod Gupta, Managing Director, VG Learning Destination India Pvt Ltd; Nagesh Bailur, CFO, Randstad India; CMA P. Raju Iyer, President, The Institute of Cost Accountants of India and Hitesh Vaid, Chief Financial Officer, Cairn Oil & Gas (unit of Vedanta Limited).
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