In the latest instalment of “Facing the world”, on Onda Madrid, Gustavo de Arístegui, diplomat and international analyst, spoke in depth about the NATO summit held in Madrid. In his assessment of the last NATO summit held in Madrid, he interprets, “First of all, we must congratulate the government for having organized a summit which the government of Mariano Rajoy had succeeded in, remembering that it was the previous government which had asked for it and which had obtained it”.
According to Gustavo de Arístegui, it is anyway a collective effort of many people, the national government, the House of His Majesty King Felipe VI, the protocol services, the security forces, including the municipal police of Madrid, who surprised everyone with the magnificent device organized around the summit, the government delegation in Madrid, the civil guard, the police, the restaurateurs, I found the idea excellent to organize a dinner at the Prado Museum, which for me is the best art gallery in the world, etc. Beyond the purely logistical and material aspects, it is indeed a historic summit, the strategic concept makes a qualitative leap compared to Lisbon and we are at a crucial moment of a qualitative leap in terms of risks.

Gustavo de Arístegui also detail the fact that, some of history's most reputable analysts made a huge mistake during the fall of the Berlin Wall and the implosion of the Soviet Union. Remember the unfortunate book by Francis Fukuyama entitled "The End of History", where nothing like this was found. How many times have we heard this childish and counter-productive expression which caused so many subsequent problems, namely the dividends of peace, leading to the reduction of conventional forces. How many times have we heard from international analysts, so-called experts in geostrategy, saying that terrorism cannot be fought with fighter jets, and how is this done in Syria or Afghanistan or on the border between Turkey and Syria. Frankly, you need to have a little more idea”, states Mr. Arístegui.
Gustavo also asserts that, we cannot oppose something as sensible as the increase in defence budgets, which are essential for the peace and stability of a country like ours, which is the southern border of the Atlantic Alliance and which is in contact by sea, even with land borders, with countries which have serious problems of terrorism and stability, I am not talking only of Morocco, but also of Mauritania and Senegal.
Therefore, in his opinion, a country like ours must have advanced defence systems, perhaps more advanced than those of other countries, because we have outermost territories like the Canary Islands, and therefore our aircraft must be twin-engine, with extended flight capability and large cargo capacity, our navy must be important. It is very good news that the six destroyers of the ballistic missile defence system have been consolidated in Rota.
Gustavo de Arístegui finally affirms that, frankly, when talking about foreign policy, defence policy, security policy and geopolitics, political differences should be put aside. Once and for all, Spain must learn to create state policies in different areas and foreign policy must no longer be used as an element of dispute and political confrontation. political differences should be put aside. Once and for all, Spain must learn to create state policies in different areas and foreign policy must no longer be used as an element of dispute and political confrontation. political differences should be put aside. Once and for all, Spain must learn to create state policies in different areas and foreign policy must no longer be used as an element of dispute and political confrontation.