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Azim Premji: An ‘Iconic Indian’ who is extraordinary businessman, philanthropist


As India completes 75 years of Independence, this book offers short biographies of 75 iconic Indians who moulded our nation with their contribution in the fields of politics, entertainment, science, sports and more. The list begins with the first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, and ends with the current PM, Narendra Modi, introducing a range of extraordinary individuals in between – Homi J. Bhabha, Raj Kapoor, J.R.D. Tata, Arjan Singh, P.V. Sindhu, Amitabh Bachchan...

governance, economy, business, Azim Premji, society, culture

“As we look back over the last 75 years of our country’s independence, we recall the remarkable men and women who gave India the identity it has today. This was the source of the idea behind writing a book containing the biographies of 75 great Indians. It is our small homage to them. The biographies are far from comprehensive but written in a lucid style that a general reader can easily follow. We hope our readers dip into the book and read a piece or two at their leisure,” write Sanjeev Sanyal, a member of the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister, and Rajesh Singh, a freelance analyst of politics, governance and public affairs, in their introduction.

Through the short biographical sketches, the book also tells the wider story of how India traversed the first 75 years of Independence. An excellent primer on the stalwarts who have made the nation what it is today, this book is a must-read for every person interested in the past, present and future of India.



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